
Joint performance in Matsuyama Spring Festival 2018, courtesy visit to EhimeUniversity and Republic of Indonesia Embassy, Tokyo, Japan


Cooperative policy of State University of Gorontalo (UNG) is directed to develop collaborative relations with various institutions, at national and international levels, in order to achieve its objectives and goals and to realize its vision. UNG’s cooperative relations are meant to maximize its contribution in nation building. From that stand point, UNG’s cooperation with international institutions is seen as attempts of internationalization by mingling in international academic societies and gaining international recognitions. Internationalization is a path ‘must go’ to achieve the advance of UNG in the future.

UNG is a state university which strategically located in the middle of a nationally strategic region: the northern part of Sulawesi Island. UNG is in Gorontalo Province, situated between North Sulawesi Province at its east side and Central Sulawesi Province at its west side, and cloven between Sulawesi Sea in the north and Gulf of Tomini in the south. For its special position, Gulf of Tomini connects hubs of socio-cultural and economic activities at the shore lines and islands of the three provinces mentioned above.

UNG, along with Government of Gorontalo Province signed the tripartit cooperation with Ehime University since 2013 and renewal again in 2017. Many academic activities has been done in Japan and in Gorontalo, involving students from both univerities and take place in regency of Gorontalo Utara, Gorotnalo and Bone Bolango. The only activity that was not developed yet is cultural performance which is the main mission of the UNG. Therefore in 2016 UNG, Ehime University together with Ehime University planned to bring cultural performance in Japan.

Development of science and technology is a priority, but cultural understanding and development via exchange is also needed. Through exchange of students and researcher and staff we will developed the province and will be a leader in regional communities in 2035. At the moment total number of lecturer, students and staffs who were involved in the cooperation is more than 100.


The courtesy visit to Ehime University Matsuyama, Republic of Indonesia Embassy inTokyo in general, aims to prompt UNG’s intention for going international, and inparticular has these objectives:1. To joint cultural performance in Matsuyama Spring festival is fullfillment missionaccording our university mission.2. To enhance tripartit relationship between Ehime University, UNG, Government ofGorontalo and Government of Matsuyama city.3. To seek and develop collaborative programs in education and research with newfaculty in Ehime University.4. To develop the opportunity of regional development through investation ofseveral industry in Masuyama city.5. To enhace the relationship with embassy of republic of indonesia in Tokyo.


