Physics Education Study Program Prepares Website For International Accreditation

Oleh: Meilan Demulawa . July 31, 2021 . 14:19:00

Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences UNG held a Study Program Website Development Workshop Saturday (31/7/2021). Physics Study Program participates in this activity Aimed to Prepare for International Accreditation. The training held in the Biology lecture hall of the UNG Bonebolago Campus was opened directly by the Dean of the UNG MIPA Faculty, Prof. Dr. Asrin Lukum, M.Si in his speech, the Dean emphasized to the participants to follow this activity well in preparation for international accreditation."I hope that participants will follow this activity well for the accreditation of their respective study programs," he said.He added that "the study program website is made to be uniform," he continued.This activity was attended by the manager of the study program website within the FMIPA environment. Meilan Demulawa, S.Pd., M.Sc represented the Physics Education Study Program.The activity, which was also attended by participants through the Zoom Meet platform, was attended by Deputy Dean III Dr. Abdul Haris Odja, M.Pd, Head of Physics Department Abdul Wahidin Nuay, S.Pd., M.Si, Sub Coordinator of FMIPA UNG Agustina Mohi, S.Sos.


July 31 - August 02, 2021

Workshop Web

Workshop Pengembangan Website