Scholarships are allowances given to students or students as assistance in studying costs. It is clear that the scholarship is a financial aid so that a student can participate in learning activities at a lower cost. Because of the nature of assistance, the amount of scholarships given to recipients varies, it can be in the form of full scholarships, partial scholarships or only certain facilities that support learning.The following is a list of scholarship offers that can be submitted by students in the Physics Education Study Program UNG:
In addition to the 5 scholarships above, there are also scholarships provided by the Gorontalo Regency Government and the Company.
1. Bone Bolango District Scholarship
The Bone Bolango Scholarshipent Scholarship, known as the Bone Bolango Cemerlang Scholarship Program (BBC), is one of the local government programs that aim to ease the burden of education costs for students from the Bone Bolango area.
This scholarship is for D3, S1, S2 and S3 students. The BBC scholarship program will provide study assistance to Bone Bolango students who are still actively enrolled in lectures. Including students at Universitas Negeri Gorontalo who meet the requirements.
The recruitment of this scholarship is directly by the Regional Government through the Education Office of the Bone Bolango Regency.UNG's involvement in this scholarship program is to verify the status of active students and the student's GPA to be determined.
A. General Requirements
B. Special Requirements
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