The Independent Learning Campus Independent Program (PMBKM) by Physics Education Study Program Students with the theme "Building a Village" will take place from 7 February to 5 June 2022; this activity is carried out in Ulanta Village, Kec. Suwawa is also used as a Village of Devotion. The Independent Learning Campus Independent Program (PMBKM) by Physics Education Study Program Students with the theme "Building a Village," which will take place from 7 February to 5 June 2022; this activity is carried out in Ulanta Village, Kec. Suwawa is also used as a Village of Devotion.
The activity, which was held at the Ulanta Village Office, was attended to and opened directly by the Head of the Physics Department as well as the Field Supervisor (DPL), Mrs. Dewi Diana Paramata, S.Pd., M.Pd. In her speech, she said that she really appreciated the activities carried out by the students. HMPS and hope that this activity will continue until it is truly in accordance with its goal of realizing the community creates new innovations in Building Villages " I hope this activity is carried out today but continues until the community can actually feel the benefits. This activity's purpose is to continue the Tridarma of Higher Education in the Field of Service, which will be carried out by the Department of Physics, especially the Physics Education Study Program.
This activity was also welcomed directly by the Head of Ulanta Village; Like Ambouw, who in his speech was very grateful for the trust of the Physics Department to choose Ulanta Village as a partner in this activity "I am the Village Head and representing the Ulanta Village community convey my highest gratitude for choosing and entrusting Our village as a place to carry out this activity, we hope that through this activity we can provide new and good things to the people of Ulanta village.
This MBKM activity is one of the activities that are the focus of the Physics Department's service activities as well as to achieve the Main Performance indicators (IKU) of the State University of Gorontalo, namely increasing the quality of student activities, especially in Service.
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