The Physics Education Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) at the State University of Gorontalo again held the National Olympiad for Mathematics and Natural Sciences (ONMIPA) at the Faculty level in the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences building, Campus IV Bone Bolango, on Monday 20 June 2022. This activity is a routine agenda held annually by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology. One of the objectives of ONMIPA activities is to improve academic abilities, broaden students' horizons in the field of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, and promote and increase the attractiveness of Mathematics and Natural Sciences in the community.
Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Prof. Dr. Astin Lukum, M.Si gave a speech and opened the event. In his remarks, he said that the ONMIPA activities at the MIPA Faculty level were an arena for students to get a competitive climate, especially in the MIPA field.
"There is great hope to see students from FMIPA can excel at the university, regional, and national levels. Student achievements at the national level will contribute to increasing the accreditation of study programs and universities," he said.
Physics Education Study Program is one participant in the Faculty-level ONMIPA. Nineteen participants took part in the ONMIPA selection. 5 (five) students obtained the election results at the faculty level with the highest scores from each field. FMIPA student representatives will receive lecturers' assistance to excel at university, regional, and national levels. They will represent FMIPA to participate in the ONMIPA selection at the State University of Gorontalo.
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